8/14 Fishing Report

Silver Salmon are Abundant throughout most of Bristol Bay we have been doing great in the Naknek and Alagnak Systems catching limits of them on a daily basis. Along with Silvers we have been catching an almost ridiculous number of chums and a some stray off year pink salmon as well.

Fly out have been awesome. The Dolly Varden hidden away in these streams accessible only by bush plane are starting to color up and are still very hungry making this an awesome time to catch the fish of your dreams.

Bear and wildlife viewing is still going great with the bears still eating as many salmon as they can to plump up before winter.

Main river rainbow fishing is still going great with multiple fish in the high 20 inch class and even some 30 inchers being caught. They are still being caught on streamers so leave your beads at home for just a couple more days.